Royal Selangor Marvel Captain America First Avenger Figurine 11.5cm

Royal Selangor Marvel Captain America First Avenger Figurine 11.5cm

173,99 €
Proposé par Royal Selangor
Dispo depuis le 13/04/2019 à 12:00
Mis à jour le 07/12/2020 à 06:00
EAN 9556250101451

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  • Shield in hand, Captain America charges forward and readies to throw a devastating punch in one fluid move, the sculpture rendered in the dynamic style and distinctive costume of the Bronze Age of comics. The First Avenger’s plinth echoes his signature five-pointed star insignia. This work showcases the combined creativity of Malaysians Alan Quah and Mufizal Mokhtar, artists highly respected by the international comics and collectibles communities.

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